I know...I know...you're all so pumped that I posted something!! :)
Sorry I'm not a very good blogger. I'm hoping to secure a digital camera so I feel like posting because lets face it...posting with out pictures is BORING...well...most of the time.
So this is more me thinking out loud, and I have no idea how to go about bringing it up, so I'll just bring it up.
I want to start a charity called Foot Rubs and Hugs. I got the idea when I was watching a french film the other night called the butterfly and the diving bell or something like that (again...in french...also it was edited...I suspect the un-edited version is not appropriate for ANY age group).
There is a man who is completely paralyzed from a stroke, and in one scene it shows them rubbing his hands and feet so the joints don't calcify. Laura just got back from Ecuador and she said they had to do that for some of the disabled children they looked after as well. So basically, it comes down to that I want to organize a group of people that if called can go and give foot rubs or hand rubs or just talk to people who are sick or elderly or whatever. Not sure how I'm going to make it all happen...but thought it was a good idea...
Anybody else have suggestions to go along with that or a way to make it happen??
Uncle John says, "If you do this you are sure to at least get a date."
I think you are awesome for thinking of it and I was pumped to see you had written something.
That is a quality idea for a charity. My sister in law majored in something having to do with non-profit organizations...she interned with United Way. Maybe you could go get your masters degree in how to run a charity. Then you'd have all the answers.
This is a great idea! Although I don't have any answers for you, I would like to join this charity. I AM so glad you posted!
Okay, I'm so happy you saw that Diving Bell and the Butterfly show because it shows how cool speech pathologists are. That's what I'm going to be when I grow up. I'm in the process. I've never actually seen the show, but I'd like to. I think your charity organization sounds swell.
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