Tuesday, July 27, 2010


So I was all pumped to actually upload some pictures up here for all you, my faithful fans...which is probably no one since I post something every few months...

So I get all excited and write my little blurb and go to upload the photo............

and it won't work. I don't know if it's just tonight that it won't work or what. It kept saying it was trying to send the info to the blogger website. I'm ticked. My computer won't connect to the internet at the house I'm staying at, so I took it on over to the public library and set up shop. So now I'm just sitting here....staring at all of the Indian people studying for various medical and law exams....and just staring at my computer hoping it will magically work as I go in and out of facebook.

Boo, archaic Dell computer. Boo.

*don't you all worry. I'll figure this thing out. But not tonight...because the library closes soon :)


taryn said...

I'm dying at your comment about Indian people. You crack me up! At this moment, I share in your photo uploading woes. Although yours sounds a bit more frustrating, haha. I hope it does get figured out soon because I want some of those pics from Mandy's house!

ps I am a faithful fan!

Dale said...

Whaaaaat? I think it's safe to say I'm your biggest faithful fan. I love seeing your name at the top of my updated blogging buddies list. The anticipation is killing me! :)