Thursday, June 11, 2009

Oh yeah....I'm moving

So I briefly mentioned it in my last post....but this may be news for some......

I'm moving. Yay.
Though very sad. I have so many good friends in UT and turns out I'm not as good at making new ones as I used to be. I'm sure it will be fine though.

I'll be living with my oldest sister, Sarah, and her babies....I love babies!!!

Also I may go to cosmetology school if I can swallow my pride. It's something I've always liked and been good at, and I can make more money doing that as a side job then being a receptionist. Shocking. The issue is hair school girls didn't portray the finest of the Provo social scene while I was here....but I have very normal, attractive, and functional cousins who did it so I'm hoping I'll meet their equivalent if I go....because if it's me and the 18 yr olds I may struggle....being an old maid and all:)

Anyway I want to see everyone in Utah before I go! So freshman year ladies, we better have a party...or just eat some dessert somewhere...I'm good for whatever! :)


Tina said...

How soon? Will you be there still when we visit for the 4th?

And the same can be said of Seattle. Good for the hair...not a whole lot more. :)

Good luck though!

Mrs. KIR said...

Having worked at a cosmo. school right here in the great state of ILLLLLLLinois, I'll tell you right now----- YOU will be most likely be the only non-smoking un-trash in your class! BUT...IT is worth it! You will be the one the GOOD salons come in and recruit aaaand, you will have a great business when you REALLY are an old maid... plus, when you come visit your mom, I'll let you cut my hair...Ah, I am so stellar:) I think you will LOVE it and be good at it!

taryn said...

When are you leaving? We really do need to get together! Will you still be here while Jenny is here, next week?

Tina said...

We will be in Provo in a few weeks. So maybe we really will see you soon and before you leave.

Lindsay Riggs said...

Sounds like fun plans! Hopefully the humidity helps your split end problem. If not, you will have unlimited access to scissors if you go to cosmetology school!

Natalie Bergin said...

I know that this will be a broken record for asking...but when?!

Oh and don't feel silly for cosmetology school. I even have honestly thought about it (mostly to know how to do stuff, but still).

I'm so excited for you!!!

Megan said...

Wow, how we all end up moving on! I hope you enjoy living in Chicago, and I'll just have to tour the midwest to see everyone there. Swallow that pride, cosmetology school would be great and you have a great personality for it... as long as you can keep yourself from making fun of your weirdo clients.

Danielle said...

WHEN ARE YOU MOVING!!!! I think you would be a great hair person!!! I am excited for you. We are gone til Sept. I bet you are gone before than...sad

mamabear said...

Good luck with the move...we will miss you here. You might want to think about Esthetician (sp) school, kindof the same thing, Jessi LOVES it!